Import Wars @ Epping, NH October 9th


New member
speaking of keith, i hope this is the same keith that live in NH and has 2 st185s, did he ever get his st205 clip? if anyone gets his email please hit me up. thanks


New member
bummer.. now that i think about it i havent seen him on AIM at all. i hope all is well with him and he got his 3rd gen clip. we were having a race between us to see who would get theirs first.. i ended up receiving a st185rc, but its all good. if he doesnt show up soon i think we should all go for a road trip and find him. i think he lives about 40 min north of boston just outside the mass border... thats only a 3.5 hours trip for me


Active member
well that only says 30% chance of showers. So whats the deal we gonna do this? Whatevers clever for me, hell if its supposed to rain that gives me one more reason not to wash my car


It shows cloudy now.
So, we will meet at the same place.
Will you be there by 9:00am?

granite statah

New member
I'll be there at 10, rain or shine, but no Alltrac. :cry:

Doesn't appear that my rotors shipped in time. Oh well, there's always next year. I've recruited an older M3 as well. Cool cat, respects the Alltrac, and basically goes through the same pains as us when working on it. He's considering making a couple of runs, and I've offered him a ride home, just in case. 8)


Active member
ooh thats right, I forgot you had the g35, gotta check that pimp ride out. thats my next car, nice an sleek and drinks octane like the alltrac :D

granite statah

New member
Can do, G35 it is. She's a dirty little beeatch right now, hopefully I can give her a bath tonight.

I'll park off to the side where we met last year.


He hit the brake at the end of the track everytimes to keep it in low 12s.
Brian came after you left. Then before we left, we checked out my firend's Evo and took some photos.
I had fun playing with the Evo on the way back to Boston. He flew right by me at 130 mph. :oops:



Active member
Always good to see the guys from this board, good people around here. Ya you missed grizzly brian, at first I didnt recognize him. What happened brian you lose your razor?